
The Pros and Cons of Unisex Washrooms

The idea of unisex washrooms has gained popularity in recent years, particularly as a move towards greater gender equality. It’s still a contentious issue though, with several practical considerations to take into account. If you’re considering installing a unisex washroom in your office or business space, we’ve listed some pros and cons below. You may want to consider these before making a decision.

Until recently, gender-neutral bathrooms would usually only be encountered in places that are too small to have two separate bathrooms. Space-saving is high on the list of pros. However, there are other good reasons to bolster the argument for unisex washrooms.

The Pros

Gender equality – male and female bathrooms are usually around the same size, even though women generally use the bathroom more frequently and their bathroom visits are longer. Depending on the number of toilet cubicles installed, women may have to queue to use the ladies room. A larger, unisex bathroom would go a long way towards levelling the playing field and cut queueing time.

Saving space and money – installing one bathroom for all users can save your business valuable square footage. A unisex washroom also means fewer fixtures to purchase, maintain and clean.

The Cons

Fear of sexual harassment – one of the primary concerns of people opposed to unisex bathrooms is that they could lead to a rise in sexual assaults. Enabling men to have access to a private space used by women could put women in a vulnerable position, under certain circumstances.

Catering to all genders, however, means that the washroom would be a higher traffic area, with theoretically fewer opportunities for those with ill intentions. While these fears may be valid for public unisex washrooms and changing facilities, the same should not apply in a commercial office.

Ultimately the suitability of a unisex washroom would depend on the number and composition of employees and clients that would be using them.

Additional objections

are on religious grounds, as followers of some faiths might be uncomfortable or unwilling to use them.

Some people state their objection simply to be due to feeling uncomfortable using the bathroom around members of the opposite sex. Bear in mind that people of all genders sometimes use the bathroom to freshen up or as a brief respite to compose themselves, and may not feel at ease to do so around members of the opposite sex.

There are also some practical aspects to consider before installing a unisex washroom. Foremostly, it would need to be larger than a standard single-sex bathroom to accommodate users of all genders.

Stalls could, optionally, still be separated inside for men and women. Cubicle walls and doors would need to be floor to ceiling to ensure privacy.

Also, for privacy reasons, it might seem like a good idea to eliminate urinals. However, installing them would reduce waiting times for all users. A modesty screen between each urinal would further enhance privacy. Moreover, you can instal them in a separate section of the washroom, obscured behind a partial wall.

Ultimately, as a business owner, you need to assess whether a unisex washroom is the right choice for your business.

Concluding Thoughts

Cubispec manufactures and installs commercial toilet partitions, lockers, vanities and washroom accessories Australia wide. We work with leading architects and designers to create high-quality commercial washrooms.

Contact us by email at [email protected] or phone 1800 951 235 to discuss your project requirements. Our design team will work with you to optimise your design and assist in creating a washroom that perfectly suits your needs and functions beautifully. Please browse our product range on our website here.

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